I recently published a paper on autism acceptance and accommodation, about how as a therapist I have been figuring out how to accommodate myself at work. I also talk about how, as a late-identified person, I have been thinking about autism trough a therapeutic lens, as well as the role of social justice and queer theory frameworks in understanding autism and how to cultivate unmasking resilience in the face of neurotypical culture. So maybe this article will help others think about their autistic becoming, unmasking, and enjoyment process.
I hope it will of value to other autistic therapists, and autistic people generally. (Could be helpful for neurotypical therapists, too! )
If you’re interested, you can download the open access article from Ought: The Journal of Autistic Culture.
Suggested citation:
Strong, S. D. (2024). Learning to be an Autistic therapist: Personal steps towards an Autism-affirming psychotherapy. Ought: The Journal of Autistic Culture, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.9707/2833-1508.1196

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