Submitted Manuscript on Non-Binary Competency in Counseling

We submitted a chapter for publication in the book Trans Health: Global Perspectives on Care for Trans Communities. (It’s supposed to be published sometime in 2022.)

These findings also appear in the blog post on improving cultural competency with non-binary people.

In case you’re into academic/activist stuff, here’s the abstract:

Cultural Competency with Non-Binary and Genderqueer Individuals: A Participatory Action Research Pilot Study
Non-binary, genderqueer, and other gender non-conforming individuals frequently experience erasure, bias, and discrimination in counseling, health care, and education. This community-based participatory action research pilot study used a qualitative thematic analysis method and asked (N=7) non-binary and genderqueer people their opinions on how to improve counselors’ cultural competency in working with them. Co-researchers articulated 12 best practices and 5 themes: validation 101, holding space for complexity, finding safe spaces, erasure, and trauma-informed intersectionality. By following these guidelines, care providers can reduce social harm done to non-binary and genderqueer individuals in healthcare contexts, support them in finding resilience, and transform the healthcare trends of cisnormativity and gender binarization to more affirmative frames that promote competency in trans and gender-diverse care.

This study grew out of a peer support group we offered 2016–2017, and we felt it was important to add to the conversation about specific ways that providers can provide more culturally competent care.

It’s taken a couple of years to this project documented and submitted, and it’s really validating to have it under consideration for this edited volume on trans care.

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