Nonbinary / Genderqueer Support Group

Online on Thursdays

It’s rough out there! Need a break from this ongoing binary gender-normative storm? Come on in, the weather is fine!

  • Get support around your non-binary/genderqueer identity/position
  • Process feelings around gender and sexuality
  • Learn about emancipatory gender-affirming frameworks and practices
  • Live your best life! ☺

This support and education group for adults 18+ meets for 8 weeks and kicks off in April 2024. (This group may have wellness benefits, but it is not a replacement for individual or group psychotherapy.)

  • Online group for adults 18+
  • 8 weekly meetings, 75 minutes long
  • Weekly meetings on Thursdays, 10:45am to noon Pacific Time (1:45pm to 3pm Eastern)
  • 6-8 members, $60/session
  • Starts in April 2024

Reach out to set up a 20-minute Zoom call to learn more and meet the facilitator! 🦄🌈✨

Headshot of Sasha Strong. Sasha is a white person with a shaved head, earrings, a gold nose ring, a necklace, and black dress. Their hand is lifted to their face touch their chin and cheek. They are smiling and looking at the camera. The background is a sunlit, out-of-focus urban scene.

About the facilitator:
I’m Sasha Strong (they/them). I’m a non-binary/genderqueer therapist and community educator in Portland OR, where I‘ve facilitated gender-affirming groups since 2016. I’m also experienced in and excited about neuro-affirming, somatic, and mindfulness-based practices, and I’ve done some NBGQ research, too. I love creating spaces that can help folks meet their needs for non-binary community, affirmation, and understanding.

Shelter from the storm since 2016.